Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015…Year of Productivity

Over the last couple weeks, I've been thinking about how this coming year could be different than the last.  2014 brought a huge change for our family, moving from Arizona to Oregon.  Because we are in temporary housing and most of our belongings have been in a semi truck for the last three months, I've felt a bit displaced, not having my "things."  In that displacement, I've gotten lackadaisical and, quite frankly, fluffy.  Yep.  One would think with this fresh start and opportunity to make a grand first impression I would be psyched to be at my best in every component of my life.  But for some reason I haven't been all that motivated, which has translated into being a bit lazy and poochy. But I want more for myself than just existing and making myself comfortable.  That is why I declare this to be my year of productivity!  

This is not a new year's resolution.  Rather, a month-to-month focus of intentionality.  A fancy little way of saying each month I will be intentional in an area or two of my life--some serious and some just plain fun (or should be).  This is in the hopes that after 30 days of concentrating on a specific area, it may become a habit, or at the very least, a more natural part of my life.  And after 12 months, I hope I can say I have found I have thrived rather than simply existed.  

I haven't finalized my year-long list.  It may ebb and flow from month to month.  I will not be legalistic and think I've failed if I miss a day here or there.  But I do hope to jot down throughout the month what I've learned through the process and what I feel I've accomplished.  Although I will be sharing my intentions and progress on this blog, it is ultimately for my own accountability.  Some of the intentional areas of focus will likely be personal, but I will try to be as transparent as I feel comfortable with the purpose of holding myself accountable and tracking its effectiveness.

My thoughts as of this first day of January 2015 are the following:
* Walking/running
* Prayer for my children/husband
* Pinterest/crafts
* Cooking
* Organizing
* Writing my book(s)
* Gratitude
* Random Acts of Kindness
* Playing with my kids
* Photography
* Finding answers to the many questions I have

Some of these may seem silly.  I mean, really, what mother needs to schedule time to play with her kids or cook meals for her family?  Well, to be honest, those are not my fortes.  I tend to not be fully engaged with my kids.  My mind begins to wander and I wish I were somewhere else.  And planning meals long enough in advance to actually allow something to thaw on the counter ahead of time is almost unheard of!  I tend to have to throw something together last minute, and only enough to get by.  Unfortunately, my family doesn't get a fullllll meal including a meat, veggie, starch, and salad much more than Thanksgiving.  Ok, so it's not quite THAT bad but let's just say any effort in the meal-prep area would be a good step forward.  My hope by the end of the month is that I will have found I actually enjoy preparing meals for my family and that new-found joy will continue to some extent throughout the year.

For January I hope to either walk or run a bit each day.  (Day 1 and I walked around the neighborhood!) But why stop there?  I may as well begin the year off right with what is MOST important and combine these efforts with PRAYER--praying specifics for my family. Yes, although I am a pastor's wife, it doesn't mean praying comes easily for me.  I catch myself praying generically quite often and don't put in the time my family deserves to cry out to the Lord on their behalf in the many areas which affect them. I plan on praying for each of my kids and husband individually in a wide range of specifics, but then tracking those prayers in my personal journal.  Throughout the month I do intend on using this blog to jot down results.

So rather than "resoluting" for an entire year, I'm going to bite off a chunk at a time, month to month.  I'm excited about the possibilities and transformations that are waiting to be claimed in 2015!  How about you?  Anyone want to join me?

1 comment:

  1. Couple of your comments hit really close to home...I'm in!
